November 25, 2020

1 Leadership Thought

Most significant and meaningful work takes a lot of time and energy to accomplish.

It takes hours and hours of work to achieve your client's goals.

It takes weeks and weeks of training to run a marathon well.

It takes years and years of parenting to nurture and raise a child.

Inevitably, the work gets frustrating because it's hard work. At some point, the question creeps into our minds, "Is this worth it?"

Celebrating progress is the key to perseverance.

The project isn't complete after many hours, but see how much is done.

You can't run a marathon yet after many weeks, but see how far you've run.

The kids are still immature after many years, but see how they've grown. (Share this on Twitter)

This weekend, slow down and remember that the work you're doing is significant and meaningful. It is certainly worth it.

Help yourself, your team, and your friends and family persevere with hope by cultivating a habit of celebrating the progress you've already made together.

1 Resource

Seth Godin on looking at the long run instead of the short run:

"In the short run, you can fool anyone.

In the long run, trust wins.

In the short run, it’s better to panic and obsess on emergencies and urgencies.

In the long run, spending time with people you love, doing work that matters, is all that counts.

In the short run, better to cut class.

In the long run, education pays off.

In the short run, tearing people down is a great way to get ahead.

In the long run, building things of value makes sense.

Add up the short runs, though, and you’re left with the long run. It’s going to be the long run a lot longer than the short run will last.

Act accordingly."

Source: Seth's Blog (The short run and the long run)

1 Question

Who do you need to remember to celebrate this Thanksgiving weekend?

How will you meaningfully communicate your gratitude to them?

Owe no one anything except to love one another. Pay up this weekend. (Share this on Twitter)